Travel Requirement Dubai

Before leaving for Dubai on holidays you must know few details and information that are pre-requisite to explore this beautiful and enchanting city. Below I am going to mention some of information below which helps you to enjoy the trip even more.

Dubai Travel Visa

Since Dubai is warmly welcoming all its visitors from all around the globe, getting Dubai Visa is very fast and easy. The Visa For Dubai can be obtained within 3 Days and in some case within 1 Days. If you are a citizen of one of those countries who are allowed to Obtain Visa on arrival than you don’t need get one prior to your travel. The list can be obtained from On this visa you can travel within UAE for period of 30 Days. Longer stay require prior approval.

You need to have a full medical test in case you are planning to live and Work In Dubai. The list of medical test can be obtained from the Dubai Immigration website. If you fail any medical test then you may be deported from the country.

It is always advisable that you must get familiarize yourself once you reach your destination; as when I comes to Dubai you are not allowed to take photographs of unknown women, government building etc. Also public display of affection can also get you in trouble. So all these laws should be followed to stay out of trouble.

Also if you are looking to have alcohol during your stay then also you must take care of few things as Dubai has strict laws for alcohol consumption. You must be over 21 Years of age and you can only drink in the hotel. Local restaurants are not allowed to serve the alcohol. But it is good thing for you as Bars in hotel are really fantastic at nights.

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